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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Is my trust in God written in my heart or just printed on the money He allows me to make? How I spend my free time is a clue to the answer.

We've all been given exactly 24 hours in a day:
8 are spent working.
8 are spent sleeping.
What am I doing with the other 8?

 Am I watching The Voice or listening for His Voice?
 Am I sitting for Game of Thrones or kneeling at God's Throne?
Do I spend more time eating in Hell's Kitchen or fasting for Heaven's will?
Do I believe in the Big Bang Theory or Creation's Truth?
Am I Dancing with the Stars or Kneeling with the Son?
Do I put on Criminal Minds or the Mind of Christ?
Will I DVR the Blacklist or talk to God about my Prayer List?
Am I an American who's Got Talent or a Believer who's Got Faith?
Am I more excited about the Castle or the King?
Am I  more obsessed with NCIS = Naval Criminal Investigative Service
or with G.P.F.M.L.= God's Plan For My Life

There's nothing wrong with watching TV once in awhile, but I must be careful not to waste MY life watching fake people live theirs.  Lord, help me to use my free time wisely.

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for people who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 2 Timothy 4:3
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